Category: Life at Fluffs
The Fluffs community is rich with elite Pawfessors, Furternities, Student Govfurnment, A Catpella groups, and more! Please keep checking in to learn more about these groups!

Celebrating Hammock Day
Happy National Hammock Day, fellow Fluffs students! Don’t forget to enjoy your hammock relaxation time a little extra today. As with many of the things we study at Fluffs, using a hammock properly takes a little time to learn, but it’s definitely worth it in the end. Observe this educational video that details the hammock…

Studying a Foreign Language
As we all know, Fluffs places much importance on global citizenship and foreign language study. Many of us kittehs will be learning a new language while at Fluffs. Why should we study a foreign language? Just think how cosmopolitan you can appear! And, if you are considering study abroad, understanding the language of the country…

Favorite Spots On Campus
Of the many great spots on campus, my favorite is my sister, Spot! She and I don’t talk much, but I like her company!

What shuld u do fur valemtimez day???!
I knoes what you thinking. Yar thinkin, “what do i do for valemtimez day???! Hey, silly! Look ovr here! Here’s how you can mayk da best day evr. 1. Brush yer fur We all knoes this is important. DUH!! Want yer hairs stickn all ovr da playse? I didnt thnkso. 2. Brush yer teef Just…

Ohno I put onto much i liner to day?
Doo u think?? I sorry.

For a lot of humans, singing in the shower is where talent is born. As a Cat, I don’t take showers, but that doesn’t stop me from singing! Introducing… The Fluffs Flea-elzefurs: Fluffs’ Oldest all-feline a cappella group! We do lots of fun gigs such as begging our owners for food and keeping our neighbors up…

A Note On Communal Bathrooms
Watch owt. Getz messee!

A Post About Laundry

Remeowniscence of My Elemeowntry School Days
I’d like to give a meow-out to the teachers who helped me get to Fluffs U! Mr. Armadillo (K): Thank you for teraching me to think outside the box. You’ll be pleased to know that I haven’t used my confining litterbox since I left your class! Mrs. Catfish (1st): I’m sorry I ate you. I’m…